Agra Weather in January

If you are planning for Agra India visit in the month of January, it is necessary to know about the Agra weather in January. It is cold and foggy but no need to be worried. If you have plan to stay for two or more nights, you can enjoy the Taj visit because the fog gets clear and never remains for many days. The temperature during the day time remains approximately 10 to 16 degree Celsius in this month. So you can see Taj in cold and clear weather. Some times you can’t enjoy seeing the things in early morning due to fog but it become clear after that. So it is better to start the visit a little late and by doing so you can enjoy the site visit as well as the Agra weather in January.

Sometimes cold breeze blows with a clear atmosphere without any fog. This is the amazing aspect of the Agra weather in January when you can enjoy your tour of Agra with hot flavoured Indian Tea. So, visiting Agra in the month of January is always good and you should not be worried about the Agra weather in January.

Content updated in January 2023