Distance from Delhi to Dharamsala

The distance between Delhi and Dharamsala is 580 kilometers / 360 miles (1 Kms = 0.62 miles). New Delhi to Dharamshala distance can be covered easily in 9 hours by car and 10 to 12 hours by bus.  A number of buses of different state transport agencies operate between Delhi to Dharamsala and vice versa. All type of bus services, ordinary, deluxe, air-conditioned Volvo buses are available for travellers. Private buses do not operate on this route. There are a number of eating joints along the highway for short breaks and food.

Taxi can also be hired to make the journey more comfortable. The charges are high as compared to bus service but one has the convenience to travel from source to destination at their own preferred time and travel time is also reduced. 

Delhi to Dharamshala road map: distance 580 kms

The major cities on the way between Delhi and Dharamsala include Sonipat, Panipat, Karnal, Ambala, Chandigarh and Hoshiarpur

Indian Railways train service is available up to Chandigarh / Hoshiarpur and the rest of the distance is to be covered by road only. Delhi and Dharamshala cities are also connected by air, major domestic airlines have daily flights between these two cities daily.

Content updated in January 2023