Distance from Delhi to Chennai

 The distance between Delhi and Chennai is 2090 kilometers / 1296 miles (1 Kms = 0.62 miles). Due to longer distance New Delhi to Chennai distance cannot be covered by road by bus or car. Train and Air travel are the only two options to travel between Chennai and Delhi.

Indian Railways train service is available between Chennai and Delhi. There are daily express and super fast trains between the two stations.  Rajdhani express train also operates on this route. This is the fastest train on this route and takes 28 hours to reach either side.

Delhi to Chennai road map: distance 2090 kms

The major cities on the way between Delhi and Chennai include Vijayawada, Warangal, Nagpur, Bhopal, Jhansi, Gwalior, and Agra. Delhi and Chennai cities are also connected by air, major domestic airlines have daily flights between these two cities. The flight time is three hours

Content updated in January 2023